Born on an tiny island on the Mediterranean, a few things from my 90s childhood made a huge impact on my adult life. Things such as Tomb Raider, Disney’s Little Mermaid, my love for being outdoors, the polaroid my father brought home when I was around 6, the fact that I could swim before I could walk and my uncle’s obsession with film and cinematography, shaped me and made me the avid explorer, -always camera in hand ready to show the world what I experience through my lens-, that I am today.

My role with photography and cinematography isn’t just to show, but to communicate a person/brand/buss.’ core essence and values, to help people stepping out of their confort zone. My mission is to educate, to impact people’s lives so we take care of our home; planet Earth. I want to convey a conservation message, by showing the beauty of our different ecosystems, each of them unique, with different flora, wildlife and people.

I have always been a doer and an adrenaline junkie obsessed with traveling, discovering new places, trying things out and learning new skills.

So let me grab my camera and create the perfect story for you!

Let’s tell stories together!